7mm Mixed Coloured Packaged Acrylic Alphabet Beads (est 375-400pcs)


7mm Mixed Coloured Packaged Acrylic Alphabet Beads
price :$30 per pack  (est 375-400pcs)
7x3mm, flat round

NB: Letters are randomly mixed/weighed and may or may not include each letter of the alphabet

(package colour may vary from that shown in photo !)

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SKU: ANE000001 Category: Tag:
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7mm Mixed Coloured Packaged Acrylic Alphabet Beads
price :$30 per pack  (est 375-400pcs)
7x3mm, flat round

NB: Letters are randomly mixed/weighed and may or may not include each letter of the alphabet

(package colour may vary from that shown in photo !)

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